The Bacchus Marsh and Ballan Open Space Framework has been developed to guide future planning for open space needs of these communities now and in the future. The Framework focuses on these two locations due to the expected rapid growth that will occur, and to assist Council in advocating for better outcomes in the planning for this growth.
A survey was undertaken in November 2019 that helped staff with the development of the Framework. Over 140 responses were received to the survey from residents across the Shire, a summary of the survey results can be found here.
Key aspects of the Framework include:
- Recommendation for the development of a Shire wide Open Space Strategy
- A vision and guiding principles for open space for Bacchus Marsh and Ballan to guide future planning and development
- Definitions of the different types of open space that exists and should be provided for in the future
- Benchmarks for how close open space should be for each resident