Mason's Lane Reserve Dog Park and Playspace Renewal

Project Overview

Council would like to hear your feedback on the draft concept design for Mason's Lane Reserve, which includes the following elements :

  1. Relocated and enhanced playspace
  2. Off-leash fenced dog park
  3. Community assets & amenities
  4. Adjacent landscaping

In 2022 Moorabool Shire engaged the community to provide feedback on several Masterplan options for Masons Lane Reserve including all recreational elements.

Masons Lane Reserve, Bacchus Marsh has been identified for inclusion in Moorabool Shire Council’s Capital Works Open Space Enhancement program (OSEP).

This program provides an opportunity for open spaces across the Shire to be enhanced for community use. Several elements within Masons Lane Reserve have been identified for enhancement which include the Dog Park, playspace & amenities.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.