In March 2020, the new Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) received Royal Assent, with the implementation to be achieved in four stages of proclamation.
The first Stage saw the enactment of overarching governance principles and supporting principles that Victorian Council’s must adhere to with regard to its performance. These governance principles largely focus on areas of accountability, engaging with the community, public transparency, financial management, strategic planning and service performance.
Subsequently, Stage 2, as proclaimed on 1 May 2020, requires Council to develop, adopt and keep in force Governance Rules that describe the way it will conduct Council meetings and make decisions in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act), by 1 September 2020.
Therefore the proposed Governance Rules will be presented to the 26 August 2020 Special Council Meeting for consideration.
Specifically, section 60 of the Act requires that Council develops and adopts Governance Rules for the following:
the conduct of Council meetings;
the conduct of meetings of delegated committees;
the form and availability of meeting records;
the election of the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor and appointment of an Acting Mayor;
an election period policy;
the procedures for the disclosure of a conflict of interest by a Councillor or a member of a delegated committee;
the disclosure of a conflict of interest by a member of Council staff.
Council welcomes your feedback on the proposed Governance Rules. Feedback closes 3pm Wednesday 19 August.