Recreation & Leisure Strategy 2024 - 2034

Project Overview

The 2024-2034 Recreation and Leisure Strategy will:

  • Consider and incorporate new and emerging sports and leisure activities
  • Understand the impact that these may have on shared use of current sports facilities and passive recreation spaces
  • Identify the need for new facilities
  • Incorporate 'Hike and Bike'

Council is seeking to consult with stakeholders and the community to inform the strategic direction and recommendations of the strategy.

Moorabool Shire Council (MSC) is preparing a new Recreation and Leisure Strategy, guiding the organisation to achieve key goals in the Recreation (encompassing sport), Aquatic and Leisure areas.

This strategy will also incorporate Hike and Bike, which aims to tap into Moorabool’s unique position with many walking trails (Werribee Gorge, Mackenzies Flat, etc) and cycling routes available to explore.

MSC is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of residents through increased participation in physical activity. A key way to achieve this is through the provision of quality sport and active recreation and aquatic/leisure facilities to support increased participation opportunities.

This strategy will provide a clear direction about the planning for recreational space across the Moorabool Shire, including in new development areas in Ballan, Merrimu, Parwan and Hopetoun Park, four areas identified to grow over the next 20 years.

Community Consultation will be undertaken in September/ October 2023 and the draft strategy provided to the community for feedback in January 2024.

The following community engagement activities will be undertaken:

  • Community survey via 'Have Your Say’
  • Community focus groups
  • Stakeholder interviews

Council is seeking to consult with stakeholders and the community to inform the strategic direction and recommendations of the ten-year plan for new Recreation & Leisure Strategy 2024-2034.


Provide Your Feedback (external link)

Feedback closes Sunday 8 October 2023