Proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget

Project Overview

The Proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget is now available for all residents to review and provide written feedback to Council for consideration in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.

Council will consider written submissions received by 5pm on Thursday 9 June 2022 at the Special Meeting of Council to be held on Wednesday 15 June 2022, in the Council Chamber, 15 Stead Street, Ballan, commencing at 6.00pm.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.

Moorabool Shire Council has seen significant growth in recent years and our capital program has been developed to meet community infrastructure needs now and into the future. The proposed Capital Improvement Program for 2022/23 is $61.482 million (includes $35.545 million in works carried forward from 2021/22). Of this total, $34.419 million relates to new works, $16.595 million relates to the renewal of assets, and $10.468 million is for the upgrade of assets. Some of the key projects proposed as part of the 2022/23 Capital Program include:

  • Bacchus Marsh Racecourse & Recreation Reserve - Stage 2 ($6.000 million)
  • Bacchus Marsh Indoor Recreation Facility ($2.879 million)
  • Annual Reseal Program ($1.458 million)
  • Taverner Street, Maddingley - Rehabilitation ($1.400 million)
  • Bald Hill Redevelopment - ($1.117 million)
  • Ballan Library Facility ($0.770 million)
  • Albert Street, Darley - Rehabilitation ($0.576 million)
  • Yendon-Egerton Road, Lal Lal - Rehabilitation ($0.507 million)
  • Steiglitz Street, Ballan - Rehabilitation ($0.451 million)
  • Aqualink - Nelson Street, Darley ($0.350 million)
  • McCrae Street, Maddingley - Kerb renewal ($0.322 million)
  • Parwan Gate Gas Connection ($0.320 million)

In addition to the planned Capital Works Program, the 2022/23 Annual Budget will fund several new initiatives. Some of these being:

  • Develop an Integrated Transport Plan for Ballan ($0.090 million net cost)
  • Implement the annual actions of the Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy - Transfer Station Review ($0.035 million net cost)
  • Develop a Bike and Hike strategy ($0.025 million net cost)

For the 2022/23 annual budget, rate increases have been capped at 1.75% in line with the Victorian Government’s Fair Go Rates System.

The Waste Management Service Charge will increase from $85.00 to $110.00, and the overall Waste Collection Charge will increase from $205.00 to $224.00. The State Landfill Levy will increase from $53.00 to $68.00, and the optional Kerbside Green Waste service will increase from $77.00 to $90.00 for 2022/23.

Making a Submission

Submissions for the Proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget will be considered in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy and the Local Government Act 2020. Council will consider submissions on Wednesday 15 June 2022 at a Special Meeting of Council to be held in the Council Chamber, 15 Stead Street, Ballan, commencing at 6.00 pm.

Any person who wishes to be heard in support of a submission should indicate in the written submission that he or she wishes to be heard. Any person requesting to be heard in support of a submission is entitled to appear before this Special Meeting of Council, either personally or by a person acting on their behalf.

Please note that a summary of submissions, including the submitter’s name, will be made available to Council for the meeting where submissions will be considered.

The Proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget can be viewed at Council offices located at:

  • 15 Stead Street, Ballan
  • 182 Halletts Way, Darley
  • 215 Main Street, Lerderderg Library Bacchus Marsh

Copies of the Proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget can also be viewed on Council’s website, from Thursday 12 May 2022.

Written submissions on the Proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget are welcomed until 5pm on Thursday 9 June 2022.

Provide your feedback on the Proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget today.

Please contact Customer Service on 5366 7100 should you have any queries in relation to the Proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget.

Written submissions should be addressed to;

The Chief Executive Officer

Budget Submission

Moorabool Shire Council

PO Box 18

Ballan VIC 3342

Or emailed to:

  • Submission Period

    Thursday 12 May - Thursday 9 June 2022

  • Special Meeting of Council to consider written submissions

    Wednesday 15 June 2022

  • Adoption of 2022/2023 Annual Budget