How can I modify my details?

To edit your profile and view your recent activity, once logged in please navigate to the top right-hand corner of this site and simply hover on ‘Welcome’ and select ‘Dashboard’.


How do I pin my comments onto an interactive map?

Simply drag a map marker from the right-hand side panel and place on the location in which you wish to provide a comment on. You may elect to upload a supporting image.


To vote and reply to comments made by other stakeholders, click on the comment or map marker of the relevant comment.


How do I pin my comments onto the interactive document?

Simply click anywhere on the document or image and place your comment. To reply to comments made by other stakeholders, click on the relevant comment.


How can I be notified when someone else has posted a comment or idea?

(Note, this is only applicable if this feature is enabled via Control Panel/Setting/General Setting)

By clicking the ‘heart’ icon next to a registered user within forums, mapping, ideas wall etc who will start following that user. When, someone you follow posts a new comment on a forum, mapping or ideas wall, you will receive an email notification with a link.


To view who is following and who you follow, simply go to your dashboard, which is located at the top right-hand corner of this site. Simply, hover on Welcome.