Aqualink Cycling and Walking Corridor

Project Overview

Have your say on the Aqualink Cycling and Walking Corridor.

What are your ideas to connect our two rivers and community in a new way?

The Aqualink Cycling and Walking Corridor (Aqualink) has been a long-term strategic vision for Moorabool Shire Council and the local community.

What is it? 

Aqualink is a proposed, non-car-based transport option for the residents and visitors to Bacchus Marsh, and provide better access to the town’s main attractions and services.

Aqualink has been enabled by Southern Rural Water’s recent upgrade and modernisation project. New underground piping and the removal of the channel provides an opportunity to build a proposed off-road walking and cycling access and linkages through Darley and Bacchus Marsh. It will also link to an upgraded shared path from Bacchus Marsh Train Station to Main Street.

View PDF map here

View detailed interactive map of Aqualink North (a) here

View detailed interactive map of Aqualink East here

How will it be delivered? 

Aqualink will deliver five sections of a proposed 4.5‑kilometre path network connecting the Lerderderg River and Werribee River corridors: 

  1. Aqualink North (a): Lerderderg River to Holts Lane, Darley
  2. Aqualink North (b): Holts Lane, Darley to Masons Lane, Bacchus Marsh
  3. Aqualink Central: Masons Lane to Main Street, Bacchus Marsh
  4. Aqualink East: Main Street to Bacchus Marsh Train Station
  5. Aqualink West: Masons Lane, Bacchus Marsh to Werribee River, Maddingley

Construction of the path for Aqualink East started during the week of the 19th of April. 

Council and Southern Rural Water are working together to finalise an agreement to be able to start construction of Aqualink North (a) in May. Once the agreement is finalised we will be updating the community with construction dates.

At the same time, we are procuring consultants to assist in developing detailed design for Aqualink Central and a landscape consultant for Aqualink North.

This project will be delivered with funding from the Federal and State Government. Department of Transport, Southern Rural Water and Moorabool Shire Council are working together to deliver this project.

How you can get involved

Moorabool Shire Council has engaged Capire Consulting Group, a specialised community engagement firm, to assist Council to engage with the Moorabool community. We want to hear from the Moorabool community about your ideas for the project.

While construction is underway on the Aqualink East, we are consulting with local residents and the broader Moorabool community to find out what else you would like to see included in the design of the project, including key landscaping elements, specifically for Aqualink North and Aqualink Central. Share your ideas at our interactive maps.

We are conducting site tours to show you what we have planned, and to hear your ideas. Scheduled site tours have been delayed.

To be notified when site tours will recommence, please sign up here.

For nearby residents

For those living along the Southern Rural Water irrigation reserve, Aqualink will mean changes to your local area with new infrastructure or landscaping. Residents along the corridor may experience some impacts during construction, such as noise and dust.

We will continue to consult with nearby residents throughout planning and construction work to minimise any potential impacts, and will notify residents of nearby properties before construction commences.

In March 2021, we sent out almost 400 letters to properties along the Aqualink corridor and nearby.

If you received a letter, we encourage you to get in touch with us to provide your email address or phone number, so we can be in contact more quickly with project updates.

Get in touch

To find out more about the project or upcoming engagement opportunities, you can get in touch with the project team by:

  • calling (03) 5366 7100
  • emailing

You can also leave feedback online by visiting the interactive maps at the bottom of this page.

Interactive Mapping - Provide Your Comments

View All
  • Aqualink North (a): Lerderderg River to Holts Lane, Darley.

    To leave a comment on the interactive map, please drag the location pin (icon on the right of the page) and drop it on the appropriate location along the blue corridor. Zoom in for more detail.

  • Aqualink East: Main Street to Bacchus Marsh Train Station

    To leave a comment on the interactive map, please drag the location pin (icon on the right of the page) and drop it on the appropriate location along the blue corridor. Zoom in for more detail.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.