Arts and Culture Strategy

Project Overview

Have Your Say on the Draft Moorabool Shire Arts and Culture Strategy.

Help shape Moorabool’s creative future.

Council is currently developing Moorabool’s first ever Arts and Culture Strategy.

Public exhibition of Draft Arts and Culture Strategy

We are pleased to be able to share with you the Draft Moorabool Arts and Culture Strategy. This strategy has been developed through extensive consultation and we thank everyone for their invaluable contributions in pulling this together.

We now welcome your thoughts and feedback on the draft strategy through an exhibition period. All feedback will be reviewed and inform the final strategy, which will be presented to Council for endorsement on August 4th, 2021.

The draft strategy is available for public feedback until Monday, June 28, 2021.

You can provide your feedback below.

Arts and Culture E-News

If you would like to stay informed about arts and cultural activity in Moorabool Shire, sign up below.

We’ll keep you updated on event opportunities as well as the progress on the Strategy.

Arts and Culture E-News Sign Up

Arts and Culture play a vital role in the Shire in connecting communities, telling our stories and expressing what it means to live in Moorabool. Almost all Australians (98%) engage with arts and culture and recognise the positive impacts the arts have on their lives and communities. Through arts and culture, we celebrate and connect our communities.

Council is seeking to develop an Arts and Culture Strategy to identify initiatives, programs and infrastructure that will support arts and cultural development within the Shire and positively contribute to the health and wellbeing of residents. 

This will be Moorabool Shire Council’s (MSC) first Arts and Culture Strategy and we seek to establish and deepen the Council’s relationship with artists and arts organisations in the region and raise the profile of Moorabool as an arts and cultural destination.

  • Review and Industry Research
  • Community and Stakeholder Consultation
  • Draft Arts and Culture Strategy
  • Exhibition of Draft Arts and Culture Strategy
  • Adoption of Arts and Culture Strategy