Draft Asset Management Strategy & Asset Management Plans

Project Overview

Have Your Say on Council's Draft Asset Management Strategy & Asset Management Plans.

Feedback closes 07/04/2022.

Asset Management is a comprehensive planning process to ensure that Council’s $668.6M worth of infrastructure assets are managed in the most cost-effective and financially sustainable manner. 

The Asset Management Strategy and Asset Management Plans (AMP) provides the community with an overview of the asset management policy and practices of the Council and aim to: 

  • Define a level of service that maintains the existing assets 
  • Predict future demands on the service 
  • Understand the condition of the existing assets providing the service 
  • Determine the funding required to maintain and finally renew aged assets 

These draft documents reflect improvements identified in the review of Council’s current strategy and plans, taking into account financial considerations, community expectation and service delivery priorities. 

Copies of the proposed Asset Management Strategy and Management Plans are available on this page under "Document Library"  or can be viewed at Council’s service centres between 8.30am and 5.00pm. 

Any person wishing to make a submission as part of the review can do so by clicking on the "Provide your feedback" link below, or in writing, marked “Attention: Asset Management Department, PO Box 18, Ballan VIC 3342” by close of business Thursday 7 April 2022. 

For further information, please contact Council’s Manager Asset Management on (03) 5366 7100. 

  • Internal review of Asset Management Strategy and Plans

    August 2021 - February 2022 

  • Presentation of draft to Council (endorsement of public exhibition)

    March 2022 

  • Public Exhibition Period

    10 March – 7 April 2022 

  • Consideration of submissions and presentation of updated draft to Council (for formal adoption)

    June 2022 

  • Implementation

    July 2022 

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.