Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District (BMID) Planning Study

Project Overview

Moorabool Shire Council have commenced the preparation of the Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District (BMID) Planning Study.

The objectives of the BMID Planning Study are to;

  • review the current and ongoing use of land within the BMID;
  • provide direction on the future of the BMID; and
  • recommend planning policy and controls for both the protection of, and development in, the BMID.

The BMID is a state significant irrigation and agricultural district administered by Southern Rural Water. It supports most of Bacchus Marsh’s agricultural production, due to its fertile alluvial soils and location in the Bacchus Marsh Valley and its produce from the district is transported throughout Australia and internationally.

The need to undertake the BMID Planning Study was identified as an action within the Bacchus Marsh Urban Growth Framework, 2018. The Bacchus Marsh Urban Growth Framework, 2018 also lists the BMID Planning Study as a precondition to the development of the new residential growth precincts at Merrimu, Hopetoun Park and Parwan Station.

The below map shows the extent of the Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District Area

At the same time as the BMID Planning Study is being prepared, Council is also developing a Rural Land Use Strategy to provide strategic vision and direction for the extensive rural areas throughout Moorabool Shire. Further information on the Rural Land Use Strategy can be found here.

(Please note that the survey is the same for both the BMID Planning Study & the Rural Land Use Strategy)

We are seeking feedback from rural landholders by asking you to complete an anonymous 10 to 15 minute survey. We have structured the survey to enable you to provide input into both the BMID Planning Study, and Rural Land Use Strategy. Your responses will help us to understand your views on a range of topics affecting the rural areas of the Shire, along with specific questions relating to the BMID, and will inform the next stages of the projects.

The survey is now closed  

Thank you for your feedback We will now be reviewing the results of the survey and we will provide an update shortly.

Once you have completed the survey you will have the opportunity to enter your contact details (please note that your survey responses will remain anonymous) for your chance to win one of three $500 vouchers, redeemable at redeemable at a nominated local retailer. On the 26th August we drew our three winners and they have been notified.

If you are an existing or aspiring primary producer, you are also invited to complete a short 5 minute Producer Survey. The Producers Survey is being conducted by Council’s Economic Development team with the goal to work more closely with participating producers to celebrate the scale and variety of agriculture within the Shire. For any questions about the Producers Survey please contact Council’s Economic Development team via email

If you are unable to complete the survey online, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning unit via phone on 5366 7100 or email and a hard copy of the survey can be provided.

The results of the survey will inform the preparation of the Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District Planning Study, along with the preparation of an ‘issues and opportunities paper’ for the Rural Land Use Strategy. A summary of the results of the survey will be made available on the Council website.

  • Preparation of Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District Planning Study
    • Landholder and Community Survey
  • Draft Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District Planning Study
    • Community Consultation
  • Final Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District Planning Study