Carberry Drive Reserve - Draft Concept Design

Project Overview

online community engagement

Moorabool Shire Council are currently seeking community feedback for the Concept Design of Carberry Drive reserve.  

Carberry Drive Reserve has been identified for inclusion in Moorabool Shire Council’s Capital Works Open Space Enhancement program (OSEP) as a local level park.   

This program provides an opportunity for open spaces across the Shire to be renewed and updated for improved community use.   

Based on community feedback provided in 2023, Council has developed a Landscape concept design for the reserve that captures this feedback.   

Council would like to invite the community to provide feedback on the draft, which will go on to inform the final concept design.   

Construction works are anticipated to commence in FY26/27, however this may be impacted by unforeseen items raised during planning, design or construction.  

  • Community Consultation for Carberry Drive Reserve Upgrade

    Thank you for taking the time to share your valuable insights in shaping the future of Carberry Drive in Hopetoun Park. Your input is crucial to creating a space that meets the needs and desires of our community. Please provide your feedback on the concept plan by completing this survey.