Council Plan 2021-25 – Proposed 2024 Update


The plan was developed in 2021 following an extensive community engagement process to develop the Community Vision. This was in line with the deliberative engagement requirements per Council’s Community Engagement Policy and the Local Government Act 2020. It was endorsed by Council in June 2021.

As part of the annual planning process, the Council Plan is checked to ensure it remains relevant and that the annual actions for the forthcoming financial year continue to reflect strategic priorities.

Minor grammar and formatting edits have been identified, together with updates to statistical information, data sources for some performance indicators, and adjustments to a small number of Council Plan actions to reflect the proposed actions for 2024/25.  There has been no change to the Community Vision, strategic objectives and priorities as these remain highly relevant and were developed following a deliberative community engagement process with residents.

The proposed changes to the Council Plan are minor, and relate to grammar, statistics, formatting, data sources and small amendments to actions. As there has been no change to the vision, strategic objectives and priorities, it has been determined that this does not trigger the requirement for a review through a deliberative engagement process. Instead, a consultative process has been determined to provide an opportunity for the community to comment on the proposed minor amendments to the Council Plan.

The Council Plan is a strategic document that demonstrates how Council is committing to deliver on the longer-term Community Vision. The actions listed in the Council Plan are high-level strategic actions to ensure we are moving in the right direction to meet that vision. Council delivers a wide range of services, which are aligned to the strategic objectives and priorities of the Council Plan. The Council Plan is complimented by Service Unit action plans that are developed annually by each Council department to guide the delivery of services, as well as action plans related to strategic documents adopted by Council such as the Health and Wellbeing Plan.