Darley Park Master Plan

Project Overview

Feedback on Council's draft Darley Park Master Plan is open. Have your say now.

Exhibition of Draft Darley Park Master Plan

The draft plan has been developed by the appointed consultant (@Leisure Planners) in partnership with the Darley Park Recreation Reserve stakeholders and Moorabool Shire Council staff.

The draft plan was informed through previous community engagement and a needs assessment and provides strategic direction for future development and investment at the Reserve over the next 10 years.  While also identifying potential longer-term community use of the Reserve.

It should be highlighted, the concept (6A) on page 30 of the draft document is the preferred concept.

Council invites the community to provide your input on the draft Darley Park Master Plan, below.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.

Moorabool Shire Council have engaged @leisure Planners to prepare a Master Plan for Darley Park, Bacchus Marsh.

The master plan will provide a vision and strategic direction for future development and investment at the reserve.

It will make recommendations based on a needs assessment at the reserve to provide justification for future developments.

This plan will provide guidance for future strategic financial planning by Council and fundraising initiatives by the reserve user groups.

Following a review of current usage, potential demand, and consultation with existing user groups and the local community, @leisure will:

  • Complete an Issues Paper that will outline key challenges, constraints and opportunities
  • Develop a preliminary concept drawing for review
  • Provide recommendations with suggested timeframes for implementation and cost estimates
  • Submit a draft master plan to exhibit for stakeholder and public comment
  • Submit final master plan with an approved site layout plan and proposed developments

Previous feedback closed 15 January 2021.

  • Review and Community Consultation

    Review current usage, potential demand and consultation with existing user groups and the local community

  • Issues Paper

    Complete an Issues Paper that will outline key challenges, constraints and opportunities

  • Preliminary Concept Drawing

    Receive feedback and update concept

    Provide recommendations with suggested timeframes for implementation and cost estimates

  • Draft Master Plan - Stakeholder and Community Exhibition
  • Final Master Plan

    Approved site layout plan and proposed developments


@leisure is seeking input from the community and stakeholders. They would like to know:

  • What do you value about Darley Park?
  • How could the park be improved?
  • What are the issues, challenges and opportunities that the master plan needs to address?
  • What are the key priorities?
  • Thinking about future generations, what is your vision for this site?

Feedback closed 15 January 2021.