Domestic Wastewater Management Plan

Project Overview

Moorabool Shire Council is seeking your feedback on the draft Domestic wastewater Management Plan (DWMP). This is Council’s third DWMP. The development of this DWMP has involved considerable consultation with key stakeholders, which has resulted in valuable input to the final document and action strategies. The focus of this DWMP is to minimise potential risk to public and environmental health from septic tank wastewater and provide for continued growth within the Shire in areas that rely on septic tank systems for sewerage treatment and disposal.

A key strategy for improving onsite wastewater management practices is the implementation of an effective risk-based inspection and monitoring program for all septic tank systems within the Shire. The inspection and monitoring program will apply to all domestic septic tank system installations. The inspection program and new treatment standards will be supported by a comprehensive community education and awareness package targeting existing and new owners, explaining their responsibilities for proper management of their septic tank system.

The development of this DWMP has involved considerable consultation with key stakeholders. The draft document was presented to Council late 2019 and sent for consultation to Water Authorities, DEWLP and internal Council departments. It is now ready for public exhibition for further feedback from the general community and any remaining stakeholders prior to the DWMP becoming an adopted document.

Council is seeking your feedback on the draft document via the feedback tool below. Feedback closes midnight Tuesday 18 August 2020.

  • Draft document created and presented to Council
  • Organisational stakeholder consultation
  • Community consultation
  • Review community feedback and develop final draft
  • Council endorsement of final document
The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.