The Local Government Act 2020 requires each Council to prepare a Revenue and Rating Plan to cover a minimum period of four years following each Council election.
This Plan is an important part of Moorabool Shire Council’s integrated planning framework, which will support the achievement of the Community Vision and the Council Plan.
Strategies outlined in this Plan must align with the objectives contained in the Council Plan and will feed into our budgeting and long-term financial planning documents, as well as other strategic planning documents under our Council’s strategic planning framework.
This Plan will explain how Council calculates the revenue needed to fund its activities and how the funding burden will be apportioned between ratepayers and other users of Council’s facilities and services.
The Plan sets out decisions that Council has made in relation to its currently adopted Rating Strategy to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of rates across property owners including methodology and principles relating to non-rate revenue including user fees and charges, government grants, developer contributions and all other Council income sources.
Submissions for the Draft Revenue and Rating Plan will be considered in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020. Council will consider submissions on Wednesday 16 June 2021 at a Special Meeting of Council to be held at the Darley Civic Hub Pavilion, commencing at 5.00 pm.
Any person who wishes to be heard in support of a submission should indicate in the written submission that he or she wishes to be heard. Any person requesting to be heard in support of a submission is entitled to appear before this Special Meeting of Council, either personally or by a person acting on their behalf.
Please note that a summary of submissions, including the submitter’s name, will be made available to Council for the meeting where submissions will be considered.
Written submissions on the Draft Revenue and Rating Plan are welcomed until 5pm on Tuesday 8 June 2021.
Please contact Customer Service on 5366 7100 should you have any queries in relation to the Draft Revenue and Rating Plan.