Federation Park Reserve Renewal

Project Overview

Have Your Say on Federation Park in Darley.

Moorabool Shire Council are currently seeking community feedback on the draft Federation Park Concept plan. This feedback will be then be analysed by the Federation Park project team to further develop the conceptual direction of the design.

We encourage you to share your feedback and contribute via the Survey found below. The opportunity to provide feedback closes 11:55pm AEST Wednesday 19 May 2024.

Federation Park reserve is located on Gisborne Road, Darley and serves as a major stop over destination between Bacchus Marsh and Gisborne. The reserve amenities are looking tired and require replacement and expansion to facilitate a growing population. 

In 2023, Council sought commuity input to undertake a project scoping plan to identify improvements to the park to secure external funding. Council succesfully applied for additional funding via the Federal Investing In Our Communities (IiOC) grant and are now looking to consult with community members on developments to the design of the Federation Park Reserve renewal.

Council and the project team would like to thank the community members who participated in earlier rounds of engagement for this project and acknowledge that community feedback and support has been crucial in securing additional funding and progressing with this project. 


  • Initial Community Engagement/Feedback
  • Project scoping plan developed
  • Funding application
  • Design consultant selected
  • Second round of community engagement
  • Have Your Say feedback analysed and concept design finalised
  • Design Documentation completed
  • Project out for tender
The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.