Engage consultant for project
What we are doing and why
The Moorabool Gateways Strategy will identify key characteristics of townships to inform the design of town entries and their locations. We are engaging with the community to hear your insights into town identity characteristics as well as entry locations.
A ‘Gateway’ is a noticeable entry point that we pass through that shows us that we have gone from one location to another. In this project, the term ‘Gateway’ could include things like:
What are the project’s aims?
We are developing a Gateways Strategy so that individual township entries can be more consistent across the Shire. The result will highlight the uniqueness of Moorabool Shire and its towns as well as the locations, type, materials and settings of each Gateway to be installed.
We want to better present individual township entries across Moorabool Shire for the benefit of locals and visitors alike. By supporting increased civic pride, visitation and the flow on benefits of economic development will also follow.
The Gateways Strategy will set out key principles to help guide future gateway decision making; it will not fully plan what will be designed for each town’s entry at this stage.
What we are asking of the community
We want to hear your thoughts on the unique character and identity of your towns, and you can tell us by answering the short survey below. We also want to know what you see as the most logical locations for each Gateway and you can show us your ideas by dropping a digital ‘pin’ on this web page.
How the consultation responses will inform our work
The Gateways Strategy will not be a “one size fits all” approach to town entry design; it will identify siting strategies and design characteristics that are the best fit for both Moorabool Shire and individual towns. Your local insight and input on town character and thresholds will assist us in developing approaches that are reflective of each town.
We will use the consultation results to inform the development of the Gateways Strategy document.
How you can get involved
To assist us with this project please share your insights on town character and entry location. You can do this by filling in a short survey and placing a digital ‘pin(s)’ on the map below.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Your answers will not be shared in a way that will identify you.
Feedback closes 10/06/2021.
Engage consultant for project
Background analysis and town site visits
Finalise Strategy and Implementation Plan