Gordon Recreation Reserve Master Plan

Project Overview

Have your say about the master plan that is currently being developed for Gordon Recreation Reserve.

The Gordon Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, in partnership with the Moorabool Shire Council, communityvibe and Laimiga Design Studios, invites community feedback to help improve Gordon Recreation Reserve so that it is able to meet the existing and future sport and active recreation needs of the community.

The Gordon Recreation Reserve Master Plan will identify the community’s vision for the site and the actions required to achieve that vision.  The master plan involves a number of key steps such as:

  • Reviewing relevant plans and strategies
  • Understanding the demographics of the community
  • Examining sport and active recreation participation and trends
  • Engaging with the general community, users of the site and other key stakeholders such as schools and government agencies
  • Analysing all of the information to prepare a set of prioritised actions over a 10-year period and a site plan.


How you can be involved

  • 1. Community survey – members of the community are invited to complete a community survey. This survey opens on Friday 12 November and closes on Sunday 12 December. Survey respondents will be asked about the type of activities they take part in the reserve, what they like, what they don’t like and what they think needs to happen to improve the reserve. Hard copies of the survey are available at Gordon Post Office and Moorabool Shire Council offices.
  • 2. Emails / letters / phone calls – for those who don’t have access to the internet, prefer to put things in writing or speak about their ideas, please contact Wendy at communityvibe on 0438 433 555 or wendy@communityvibe.com.au.
  • 3. Key stakeholder meetings – representatives from key organisations in the community such as recreation reserve user groups, the school and government agencies will be invited take part in meetings to discuss issues and opportunities.
  • 4. Draft plan feedback – once a draft master plan has been prepared, additional community feedback will be sought before the plan is finalised.