Council Plan 2025-2029

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Project Overview

At Moorabool Shire Council, we are committed to providing the services and infrastructure needed for our community to flourish. As we approach the end of the Council Plan 2021-2025, it is time to have a conversation with our community to help us shape the direction of Moorabool Shire’s next Council Plan and beyond.

The Council Plan is developed in collaboration with our community and provides a vision and roadmap to guide Council’s service delivery, activities and decision making over the next four years. In line with the local government election cycle, the process for developing a new Council Plan has commenced.  

To achieve the Community Vision, Council is checking in with its community to understand the services and initiatives that matter to you the most. Your insights, experiences and ideas are invaluable in helping us understand the unique needs and aspirations of our diverse community. 

Council has an integrated planning and reporting framework connecting several plans that can be accessed in the document library. The purpose of this consultation is to develop a new Council Plan and review and update the following: 

  • Community Vision – a 2030 vision developed four years ago in collaboration with the community. 

  • Asset Plan – how Council-controlled infrastructure and other assets are to be managed to achieve the Community Vision statement and Council Plan objectives. 

  • Financial Plan – 10-year forecast of Council’s finances that guides how the community’s needs and aspirations in the Council Plan and Community Vision will be resourced. 

  • Deliberative community workshops

    January - February 2025 

    Community members selected for workshops based on a representative sample of our community. Engagement results from the public survey will inform deliberative workshops and help shape the Council Plan. 

  • 2025-2029 Council Plan community consultation

    28 October - 25 November 2024 
    Feedback gathered from community on their priorities for the next Council Plan and expressions of interest for deliberative community workshops. 

  • Councillor deliberative workshops and draft Council Plan development

    January - March 2025 

    Seek input from Councillors to develop the Council Plan. 

  • Engagement Report published

    March 2025 

    Engagement Report published summarising Council Plan community consultation findings. 

  • 2025-2029 draft Council Plan community consultation

    April - May 2025 

    Feedback gathered from community on the draft Council Plan. 

  • 2025-2029 Council Plan adopted by Council

    June 2025 

    Final Council Plan 2025-2029 adopted by Council and published on website.