Stage 4 Bacchus Marsh Main Street Upgrades


Streetscaping consists of upgrades to footpaths, street furniture, plants and trees to improve the appearance and functionality of the space. 

Moorabool Shire Counci have undertaken stages 1-3 of streetscaping upgrade works along Main Street progressively over the past ten years. The works consisted of footpath upgrades, steet furniture installation and landscaping works. 

This stage of the streetscaping works will concentrate on: 

  • Construction of new concrete footpath 
  • Installation of new street furniture 
  • Installation of new street trees and plants 
  • An upgrade of Courthouse Place 
  • The street furniture theme (proposed to reflect stages 1-3), with the exception of Courthouse Place where there is potential for alternative furniture 
  • Surface material (proposed to be exposed aggregate concrete), with the exception of Courthouse Place where there is potential for alternative surfacing
  • The undergrounding of existing overhead powerlines 


Due to existing project parameters, for suggestions to be viable they must: 

  • Be in line with budgetary constraints 
  • Meet all applicable standards and guidelines 
  • Fit within the extent of the planned works 

This is a pre-planning project which is currently not funded for construction, however will be considered for inclusion in a future budget. Therefore, a timeline for construction is yet to be determined.