Mill Park Skate Park (Ballan)

Project Overview

Have Your Say on the draft skate park design for Ballan's Mill Park.

Complete the Survey here!


The Mill Park Masterplan recommends the relocation of the current skate park at the Ballan Recreation Reserve and building a new skate park at Mill Park. 

In assessing the space available at the park, a draft design for the skate park has been developed but it needs more input from you and your friends. 

We are seeking feedback on what you would like to see included in the draft design to assist with creating a space that meets the needs of local skaters and the community. 


Take This Survey before it closes on Friday 31 December 2021. 

Mill Park Skate Park FAQ

Q: Who is designing the skate park?

A: We have appointed CONVIC ( a specialist skate park design company that are highly experienced in both the design and construction of skate parks as well as in the engagement and consultation of skate park users.

Q: When will work start on the new skate facility?

A: Following feedback from the community, detailed plans will be developed by our expert skate facility designers – CONVIC - with the aim to commence construction of the skate park in February 2022.

Council recently adopted the Mill Park Masterplan that recommends relocating the skate park at the Ballan Recreation Reserve and building a fab new skate park at Mill Park.

To help us achieve this and build an amazing skate park that meets the needs of the local community, we would like your input on the draft design as well as any other ideas you might have for the skate park.