Have Your Say - Moorabool Shire Cat Management (Potential Cat Curfew) - closes 31 May 2019
The Moorabool Council Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP) specifically identifies the potential issues caused by cats allowed to roam within the community by causing a nuisance, damaging native wildlife and adding to the proliferation of unowned/feral cats in the area. One of the identified activities identified within the DAMP is to investigate the feasibility of the introduction of a cat confinement/curfew order. If such an order were to be made, it would mean that people would have to ensure that their cats were not allowed to roam off their property. The curfew could be in place day and night or only during the night time period.
The following survey has been designed to seek your feedback and views on the potential introduction of a cat curfew.
If you would like further information on a cat curfew and keeping cats indoors or in an enclosure please access the Victorian Government website here
If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact Council direct on 5366 7100.