Potential Sunset to Sunrise Cat Curfew

Project Overview

Having considered previous community feedback in response to the potential introduction of a cat curfew, Council has resolved to seek further public feedback on a proposal to implement a cat curfew between sunset and sunrise which would commence in January 2021.

The results of this feedback will further inform Councilors of the community's views on the potential introduction of a sunset to sunrise cat curfew.

Community feedback will inform a Council Report to be submitted to Council for their consideration.

We encourage you to provide your feedback through the below survey tool. Feedback closes Friday 12 June.

If you would like further clarification or wish to discuss potential cat curfews further, please do not hesitate to contact Council's Community Safety Team.

Cat curfew begins 1 July

Moorabool residents are reminded a cat curfew begins 1 July 2021.

Cats must be confined to their owner’s property from sunset to sunrise.

Council passed a motion at an Ordinary Meeting in December last year to introduce a cat curfew. This decision was made after comprehensive surveys were undertaken in 2019 and 2020 via Council’s ‘Have Your Say’ website.

Most respondents were in favour of a cat curfew.

Mayor Cr Tom Sullivan said Council and the community shared the view that a curfew protected both cats and wildlife in the Shire.

“Keeping your cat inside will help your cat’s health and safety – resulting in less cat fights, less accidents with cars, picking up diseases or getting lost,” Cr Sullivan said.

“It will also protect wildlife as cats instinctively hunt and kill wildlife even if they’re not hungry.”

“We believe the curfew will result in better neighbourhood relations – less howling which should result in less dogs barking and less defecating in gardens.”

  • Initial Community Engagement - 2019
  • Review of Initial Feedback and Council Report
  • Second Round of Community Engagement
  • Council Report and Decision
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