Moorabool Shire Retail Strategy

Project Overview

Help Moorabool Shire Council provide an improved retail offering for the community, by submitting your ideas and feedback on the draft strategy.

Council is developing a Retail Strategy to grow and sustain a vibrant network of retail activity centres that offer the best possible range of goods and services to Moorabool residents and visitors, distributed in an equitable and efficient way. The location and scale of retail activity centres has a direct impact on the quality of life of our residents, and provides opportunities for small businesses and employment.

The draft Retail Strategy focuses on supporting the Bacchus Marsh and Ballan Town Centres, serving new residential areas, encouraging retail in small towns, providing a wider range of goods and services, and encouraging tourism retail.

Key objectives of the strategy are to:

  • Maintain and extend the hierarchy of retail activity centres
  • Support the Bacchus Marsh town centre as the major retail centre within the Shire
  • Support the Ballan town centre to maintain its character as it grows
  • Ensure that new residential areas are well-serviced by the retail hierarchy
  • Encourage appropriate retail expansion in the small towns and villages of the Shire
  • Support the provision of a wider range of goods and services in the Shire
  • Encourage improvement in the provision of retail services to visitors

This is an exciting opportunity for the community to shape the future of retail in Moorabool Shire.

You can download the project documents from the document library to the right, and make a submission at the bottom of this page.

Consultation closed Sunday 3 March 2024.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.