Community Consultation for Carberry Drive Reserve Upgrade

    Carberry Drive Reserve

  • Q.1

    Do you like the proposed Concept Plan for Carberry Drive Reserve? 

  • Q.2

    Are there specific features from the concept plan that you particularly like? Please share your thoughts.

    Character Limit : 1000
  • Q.3

    Are there specific features from the concept plan that you particularly dislike? Please share your thoughts. (Open text response)

    Character Limit : 1000
  • Q.4

    How well do you think the concept plan addresses the community's needs and concerns?

    Very Well
    Very Poorly
  • Q.5

    What do you believe is the primary function of Carberry Drive Reserve? 

    Social & Family Recreation
    Conservation Reserve
    Relaxation and passive recreation

    Other (please specify)

    (Max Character Limit : 500)
  • Q.6

    What should be the central focus of the reserve?

    Please move the options provided below to rank according to priority (highest priority at the top, lowest at the bottom).
    Open Lawn
    Path network
    Tree and understory planting
    Half Multi-Court (Netball & Basketball)

  • Q.7

    Which of the following play space activities do you or those you care for enjoy the most? Please select all that apply.

    Variety of play experiences
    Equipment for all ages (children, young people, adults and senior)
    Nature play
    Green grass
    Loose materials (like sand and leaves)
    Challenging/adventure play
    Imaginative play
    Plenty of shade
    Places to sit/rest
    Accessible features (e.g., wheelchair friendly spaces, path networks)
    Conservation education
    Features that promote physical activity & exercise
  • Q.8

    Is there anything else you would like to share about the concept plan for Carberry Drive Reserve Renewal Project? (Open text response)

    Character Limit : 1000
  • About You

  • Q.9

    What is your age:

    Under 18
    18 - 24
    25 - 34
    35 - 44
    45 - 54
    55 - 64
  • Q.10

    What is your gender?

    Prefer Not to Say
  • Q.11

    Are you a Local Resident, or do you work in the local area?

    Yes, I currently reside in the local area.
    Yes, I work in the local area
    No, I live outside the local area.
    I used to be a local resident, but I've moved away.
    Prefer not to say
  • Enter the code as below. *