Ballan Library and Community Hub


It is anticipated that construction will commence in mid-2023 with completion due in mid to late 2024.

The Ballan Library and Community Hub is a $7.25m project, with $5m in grant funding from the State Government.

  • Growing Suburbs Fund $3.5m
  • Living Libraries Funding $1.5m
  • Council contribution $2.25

Council is currently developing an operating model for the new facility to determine opening hours.

The Library and Community Hub will include:

  • A variety of study spaces and flexible meeting rooms spread across the library, to allow for programs, events, individual and group activity
  • An outdoor space to cater for programs and events
  • Flexible exhibition spaces
  • Increased space for a larger library collection
  • A dedicated children’s library area
  • A dedicated teen space
  • A variety of seating options to accommodate individual and collaborative activities
  • Maternal and Child Health space with waiting area and parents’ room
  • North facing windows for informal seating areas
  • Good transparency from the front to show activity in the building and create a welcoming environment.
  • Creating a street presence which is in keeping with the historical buildings in the area while creating a contemporary facade with an inviting presence.
  • Ensuring the building has good transparency from the front to show activity in the building and create a welcoming environment
  • Maximising connection to the street and an internal courtyard, creating a public realm to support community engagement
  • Creating a safe and welcoming space for the community to gather and create social networks, and act as a central access point for those seeking help with technology

Two phases of community engagement were undertaken during 2021 and 2022 to understand community aspirations for the building. In preparation for developing the project concept and grant applications in 2021, a community engagement process was undertaken in September 2021 through a Have Your Say online survey. The purpose of this engagement was to understand how community members use the current Ballan Library now and would like to use it into the future. This resulted in 88 responses and provided an understanding of community priorities to inform the architect design brief and guided the next phase of engagement in 2022. 

A second phase of engagement was conducted from May to August 2022, expanding on the themes from phase one to seek feedback to inform the design of the new Library and Community Centre. A survey included more detailed questions to build on the feedback and priorities that were identified in phase one.