Ballan Library and Community Hub

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  • Ballan Library and Community Hub Concept Plans Approved

    At the Ordinary Council Meeting held 1 February 2023, Council approved the Ballan Library and Community Hub Concept Plan.

    Concept Plans for the Ballan Library and Community Hub have been developed to meet the operational needs and desire for a contemporary library and community hub for Ballan and surrounding areas. The design responds to the aspirations of the local community, is responsive to feedback gained during the community engagement process and meets budget parameters.

    Following the completion of detailed design and a procurement process for appointing a construction contractor, it is expected that construction will commence in mid-2023 with completion due in mid to late 2024.

    Council thanks the many community members and organisations who provided their feedback and input throughout the design phases.

    The approved Concept Plan can be found under 'Document Library' on this page.