Proposed 2021/22 Annual Budget

Making a Submission

  • Making a Submission

    Submissions for the Proposed 2021/22 Annual Budget will be considered in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020. Council will consider submissions on Wednesday 16 June 2021 at a Special Meeting of Council to be held at the Darley Civic Hub Pavilion, commencing at 5.00 pm.

    Any person who wishes to be heard in support of a submission should indicate in the written submission that he or she wishes to be heard. Any person requesting to be heard in support of a submission is entitled to appear before this Special Meeting of Council, either personally or by a person acting on their behalf.

    Please note that a summary of submissions, including the submitter’s name, will be made available to Council for the meeting where submissions will be considered.

    The Proposed 2021/22 Annual Budget can be viewed at Council offices located at:

    • 15 Stead Street, Ballan
    • 182 Halletts Way, Darley
    • 215 Main Street, Lerderderg Library Bacchus Marsh

    Copies of the Proposed 2021/22 Annual Budget can also be viewed on Council’s website, from Tuesday 11 May 2021.

    Written submissions on the Proposed 2021/22 Annual Budget are welcomed until 5pm on Tuesday 8 June 2021.

    Provide your feedback on the Proposed 2021/22 Annual Budget today.

    Please contact Customer Service on 5366 7100 should you have any queries in relation to the Proposed 2021/22 Annual Budget.

    Written submissions should be addressed to;

    The Chief Executive Officer

    Budget Submission

    Moorabool Shire Council

    PO Box 18

    Ballan VIC 3342

    Or emailed to: