Road Upgrade - Griffith Street, Maddingley

Project Overview

To improve access, ease congestion and provide for safer movement of people along the Griffith Street corridor, we are planning to widen the road to 4 lanes (two lanes each way with a central concrete median) between Grant Street and Cassinia Boulevard*.

The proposed works will provide greater capacity for future growth, create an aesthetic ‘gateway’ into the city, and aims to improve the safety of motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists.

*Please note that the Grant St / Griffith St Intersection is within the Department of Transport’s authority and is not a part of Moorabool Shire Councils Project.

Opportunity for feedback closes Sunday 18 July.

What is it? 

Griffith Street is experiencing a rapid growth in traffic demand which will only continue to increase. Due to new residential developments such as Stonehill Estate, Caldera Sub‐Division, Queensbrook Estate, and other residential development between Griffith St and Werribee Vale Road, traffic volumes along this section of road are predicted to more than double over the next ten years.

Not only does Griffith St service these new residential developments, but also provides access to a range of existing land uses, including an industrial zone and an aged care facility on the southern side of the road, and residential properties and Bacchus Marsh College to the north and east.

The project is also designed to deliver improved public transport options for residents and visitors to Bacchus Marsh. The reconstruction of four DDA-compliant bus stops will provide improved access to the town’s main attractions and services. The proposed construction of new shared path connections along both sides of Griffith Street and the provision of new pedestrian refuge facilities will encourage active travel and enhance road user safety.

How will it be delivered?

Council have engaged specialist consultants to document the proposed works, including road and stormwater drainage design, shared path design, landscaping design, and public lighting along Griffith Street. Council are seeking feedback to ensure the project meets the needs of the wider community before progressing to construction (to be included in future years capital works program). 

Get Involved

How you can get involved

Moorabool Shire Council is currently seeking feedback from local residents and the wider community regarding the proposed works and we encourage you to ‘Have Your Say’.

We are consulting with local residents and the broader Moorabool community to ensure that the design addresses all project objectives and to incorporate innovative feedback where possible.

You can leave your specific location feedback by visiting the interactive map at the bottom of this page or providing general feedback through the 'feedback' link on this page.

For nearby residents

For those living along the Griffiths Street corridor, the construction of the project will result in some changes to the local streetscape. Like any other construction project, residents and workers along the corridor may experience some short-term impacts to your daily routine such as traffic delays, noise and dust.

We will continue to consult with nearby residents throughout planning and construction work to minimise any potential impacts and will notify residents of nearby properties before construction commences.

Letters will be sent out in June to properties along the Griffith Street corridor informing them of the proposed works.

If you received a letter and have an interest in the project, we encourage you to get in touch with us to provide your email address or phone number so we can be in contact with project updates.

Get in touch

To find out more about the project or upcoming engagement opportunities, you can get in touch with the project team by:

  • calling (03) 5366 7100
  • emailing

  • May 2021
    • Investigation phase and compilation of background data
    • Development of functional design
  • June - July 2021
    • Ongoing consultation with key stakeholders (including key landowners) along the Griffith Street corridor
    • Ongoing online engagement
    • Engagement analysis and reporting
    • Development of detailed design
  • September 2021
    • Findings of engagement shared with Moorabool community
    • Authority approvals
    • Design updates and detailed design
  • November 2021
    • Design finalisation
  • Construction to be funded in future years capital improvement program.
The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.