Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Study - Stage 3 (Darley)

Project Overview

As a key action identified in the Integrated Transport Strategy and following the adoption of the Stage 1 and 2 Plans, Moorabool Shire Council is now commencing a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study within Darley in order to manage the traffic impacts and road safety on local roads within the area.

A review of the traffic, parking and safety issues within the area is being undertaken to assist with the study and community participation is essential in identifying and addressing issues of this nature. As such, Council is seeking resident’s input regarding traffic issues. The study area for this stage extends north of the Western Freeway to Albert Street and is bounded by the Lerderderg River to the east.

The LATM study will examine the existing traffic, parking and road safety issues, together with information received from residents, discussions with officers and the collection of traffic volume and speed data. Council is seeking feedback from the community on traffic and parking issues, including:

  • Traffic speed and irresponsible driving;
  • Lack of traffic calming devices/infrastructure;
  • Increased through traffic;
  • Pedestrian/cyclist safety;
  • Parking; and
  • Heavy vehicles.

Residents are strongly encouraged to add feedback to the interactive map available hereby the closing date of Sunday 8 September 2019.

Your feedback will assist Council in identifying the key traffic issues within the area, as well as validating some of the issues previously raised, so that an effective traffic management scheme can be developed.

For further information on the project, please click on the "Key Documents" on the sidebar.

Provide your feedback

Project update

Thanks to over 323 engagements received via the online portal, who provided their input to assist in identifying the key traffic areas and issues within Stage 3 study area, our consultants can now make informed recommendations on what is required to make the area safe for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.

A draft plan will be prepared and presented to Council in the coming months, with further opportunity for community input to follow.