Moorabool Shire Draft CCTV Policy

Project Overview

Moorabool Shire Council is seeking your feedback on the development of a CCTV Policy for the use of closed-circuit camera systems across the Shire. Your feedback will help guide Council’s direction for the Policy.

Moorabool Shire Council is currently developing a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) Policy for use across the Shire.

The Draft Policy aims to support robust decision-making around when a CCTV system will be installed in areas across the Shire such as public spaces, at Council facilities and other areas such as roadsides.

The Draft Policy also details how members of the public may make a request for footage captured by a Council CCTV system, as well as how Council will manage the data collected from its CCTV systems.

Feedback is sought from community members to provide input to the Draft CCTV Policy. 

  • Community Consultation

    August - September 2023

  • Evaluation of feedback

    September 2023

  • Council report and policy adoption

    October 2023

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.