Council does not currently have a Parking Strategy or Policy.
A Parking Strategy for Moorabool will help to establish a coordinated, consistent, and transparent approach for the provision and management of car parking across the municipality both now and into the future.
A Parking Policy will ensure objectives and processes are applied consistently. This will positively impact on parking supply, operations, enforcement, and the delivery of public infrastructure across the municipality.
Parking is an asset that is managed both publicly and privately.
Council currently manages parking in accordance with the Moorabool Planning Scheme, Local Law No.1 2019 and the Local Government Act 2020. The draft strategy and policy provide support to these documents.
Council is responsible for local roads and associated public parking, paths and trails, walking and cycling infrastructure, and how parking affects these functions.
Parking provision rates associated with developments are defined by the State Government planning scheme clause 52.06 – Car Parking. Council can vary the rate of parking required to be provided when it issues planning permits where appropriate.
The Strategy is intended to guide the development of strategies and policies, initiatives, and other changes to parking supply and management. The Strategy does not provide specific recommendations for works like a Local Area Traffic Management plan or other infrastructure project would.
The Bacchus Marsh Integrated Transport Strategy considers train station parking is important for supporting reduced congestion and road safety. It encourages the management of traffic movements and parking around activity centres to maintain amenity. The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan has actions to enforce correct use of accessible parking, and conduct an audit of the amount and recommendations for improvement. The Council Plan 2021-2024, Health and Wellbeing Plan and Community Vision 2030 plan all provide support for encouraging uptake of active transport through a range of actions, which assists to reduce parking demand.
The Strategy has been developed from the recommendations of the Moorabool Parking Study. It sets out five guiding principles, and methods to achieve them. The Strategy will be referenced when preparing strategic and transport plans, particularly those with a long-term vision.
The Policy sets out Council processes and provides guidance in accordance with the strategy. The policy will be used for day-to-day operations, particularly when considering parking issues raised by the community, and when reviewing planning permit applications.