Bradys Lane, Greendale - Carpark construction and footpath connection as part of Moorabool Shire Council’s (MSC) 2021-2022 Capital Works Program.
Works will be completed in two distinct stages.
Stage 1 (Civil) includes civil works to assist achieve improved walking pathways and parking areas; the works include construction of concrete footpath, drainage improvements, pram crossings, road realignment and pavement upgrade works. Stage 1 works are scheduled to start September and are planned to be completed in 8 weeks.
Stage 2 (Landscape) includes infill planting and landscaping works in the Bradys Ln carpark area. Stage 2 works will commence after completion of Stage 1 and are scheduled to be completed prior to 31 December 2021.
Work hours will generally be between 7:00am and 5:00pm, minor delays within these hours are to be expected. Vehicle access to properties and Egans Reserve may also be restricted during construction works. Contractor staff will notify residents in advance in relation to when this may occur.
Civil and landscaping drawings have been prepared by Council following community consultation in 2020. If you have any queries or concerns regarding design, please do not hesitate to contact Justin Horne – MSC Environment and Waste Education Manager on 03 5366 7100.
The Greendale Township Improvement Plan will review and guide:
All of which, together create a unique sense of place within a community. The Township Improvement Plan document will help guide and inform future planning and design within the Greendale Township.
We encourage you to provide your input to help shape Greendale township improvements. Opportunity for community closed Tuesday 15 September 2020.
View Map and Provide Your Feedback (link)
Note: Western Transmission Lines Project.
Council understand that this is currently a sensitive issue for many in the community. The Township Improvement Plans are not intended to collect or forward feedback on the Western Transmission Lines Project.
For those looking for more information or to lodge feedback regarding the Western Transmission Lines Project, Council suggests that you contact the Western Victoria Transmission Network Project directly.
The WVTNP website site offers an interactive mapping tool for community members to visit and have their say on the issues that are important to them. This information will be used to help determine the transmission line route with the least amount of impacts. The project design will consider these impacts in balancing environmental, social, cultural and heritage factors.
Council strongly encourages everyone, whether directly impacted by the project or not, to go to where members of the public can send their thoughts and concerns directly. Alternatively, they can call the hotline on (03) 9021 0674 or email
Further information regarding the transmission line project can be found below: