Local Area Traffic Management Study (Stage 4) Darley

Project Overview

Moorabool Shire Council is undertaking a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study within a precinct of Darley, to improve traffic management and road safety within the area.

Having captured your thoughts through stage 1 of consultation, we've developed a draft plan and want to hear from you again!

Have we captured your feedback appropriately and do you have any other thoughts?

Local Area Traffic Management Study (Stage 4) Darley – Final LATM Plan

Moorabool Shire Council has developed a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study within a precinct of Darley, to improve traffic management and road safety within your area.

Following a comprehensive community consultation process, Council endorsed the final LATM Plan and proposed treatments at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday 1 December 2021.

View the final plan here.

Local Area Traffic Management Study (Stage 4) Darley – Phase 2 Community Consultation 

Council is undertaking a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study within a precinct of Darley in order to improve traffic management and road safety within the area.

Recently, a copy of the draft plan was available to view, and residents were asked to provide comments on the proposed treatments via the interactive map until 5.00pm Sunday 1 August 2021.

In addition to this, the following online session will be held via online platform Microsoft Teams to allow residents to view the plan, ask questions and have conversations around the recommendations.

Thursday 16 September 2021  

At 4.30pm   

Via Microsoft Teams. 

To join this online session please follow this meeting link. Please note; Microsoft Teams apps needs to be installed if you want to join using a mobile phone.

Should you have any queries in relation to the above, please contact Matthew Ballard (SALT) on 9020 4225. 

Moorabool Shire Council is undertaking a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study within a precinct of Darley, to improve traffic management and road safety within the area.

The Bacchus Marsh Integrated Transport Strategy (BMITS) presents the vision for the transport network for Bacchus Marsh and identifies the need to undertake LATM studies in order to manage the traffic impacts on local roads.

Council has engaged SALT, a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy firm, to undertake a review of the traffic, parking and safety issues within the area and assist with the study. Community participation is essential in identifying and addressing issues of this nature and in preparing an LATM Plan. As such, Council is seeking your input regarding traffic issues in your area.

The study area for this stage extends from the north of Albert Street to Pamela Court and is bounded by the Lerderderg River to the east, as outlined below.

The LATM study will examine the existing traffic, parking and road safety issues, together with information received through the attached survey questionnaire, discussions with Council officers and the collection of traffic volume and speed data.

  • March 2021: Community consultation (Part 1)

    Community consultation and collection and analysis of data

  • April 2021: Draft LATM Plan

    Development of draft LATM Plan

  • June 2021: Community consultation (Part 2)

    Community consultation and community workshops (draft LATM Plan)

  • July - October 2021: Finalisation
    • Final draft LATM Plan
    • Public exhibition
    • LATM Plan adopted by Council