We’ve heard your feedback that heritage places are valued for their contribution to the identity and charm of our area. Amendment C085moor has been prepared to support the ongoing protection and care of these places that enrich our local heritage.
Council has prepared Amendment C085moor to implement the findings of the West Moorabool Heritage Study (Stage 2A Review). Amendment C085moor proposes to change the Moorabool Planning Scheme by introducing the Heritage Overlay to 106 properties and 7 heritage precincts. This will protect heritage places that add to the valued character, history and culture of the area.
Amendment C085moor proposes to change the Moorabool Planning Scheme to:
Apply the Heritage Overlay to 106 individual places and 7 heritage precincts across Ballan, Blackwood, Bungaree, Gordon, Lal Lal, Millbrook, Mount Egerton and Wallace. See the study area in the map below.
Remove the Heritage Overlay from 3 individual heritage places that are to be included in new precincts.
Amend the Schedule to Clause 43.01 (Heritage Overlay) to apply permanent controls to the identified places and insert application requirements.
Amend the Schedule to Clause 72.04 (Incorporated Documents) to include 113 Statements of Significance and the Moorabool Shire Heritage Precincts and Places Incorporated Plan Permit Exemptions (Plan Heritage, May 2021).
Amend the Schedule to Clause 72.08 (Background Documents) to insert the West Moorabool Heritage Study Stage 2A Review (Plan Heritage, May 2021).
Click on this link to find out more about the amendment and the amendment process: Planning scheme amendments | Moorabool Shire Council. Hard copies of the documents can be viewed at Council’s Ballan or Darley offices. An interactive map has also been prepared to help you identify which properties are included in the amendment and can be accessed via the Project Links section on this page.
2021 to 2023
December 2023
February 2024
Thursday 13 March- Wednesday 30 April 2025
July 2025
September-October 2025
February 2026
March 2026
The best way to have your say is to make a submission while the amendment is on public exhibition. Any person can make a submission to Council about the amendment.
Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the amendment is supported or opposed and indicating any changes to the amendment the submitter is seeking.
Submissions on the proposed amendment may be published in a Council Report and/or on Council’s website. Your personal contact details will not be published with your submission, and your personal information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
The closing date for submissions is Wednesday 30 April 2025.
A submission can be made as follows:
Via this website:
You can complete the online submission form by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.
Via Email:
Via Post:
Moorabool Shire Council
PO Box 18
Attention: Manager Growth & Development
Re: Submission to Amendment C85