To view previous consultations, please click here.
The Bacchus Marsh and Ballan Open Space Framework has been developed to guide future planning for open space needs of these communities now and in the future. The Framework focuses on these two locations due to the expected rapid growth that will...
Moorabool Shire Council is seeking your feedback on your hire experiences of council managed buildings. To complete the survey, please click on the link below. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
As a key action identified in the Integrated Transport Strategy and following the adoption of the Stage 1 and 2 Plans, Moorabool Shire Council is now commencing a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study within Darley in order to manage the...
Moorabool Shire was recently successful in obtaining a grant from VicHealth to plan for more female friendly recreation and leisure opportunities in the Shire.
The project has a specific focus on facilities, infrastructure and programming...
Council is seeking feedback on your Section 86 Council Delegated Committee of Management's reporting experiences regarding Council's operational funding contributions.
Update to the Moorabool Community Infrastructure Planning Process
At its meeting on the 7th August 2019 Council endorsed an update to...
Moorabool Shire Council plays an important role in providing a safe travel environment for residents and visitors. A key part of this role includes the...
Council has commenced the preparation of the Maddingley Planning Study. The aim of the Maddingley Planning Study is to investigate options for non‑sensitive land uses in...
Council is proposing to upgrade Beresford Crescent Reserve and we would like to know your ideas.
Quality open space is a priority for our community and this park upgrade will create a better space for everyone to enjoy.
Your input...
The Moorabool Council Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP) specifically identifies the...
Council is undertaking a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study within a precinct of Darley in order to improve traffic management and...
The Moorabool Car Parking Study looked at all aspects of car parking across the shire.
Consultation was undertaken in April and May 2021.
To improve safety and security, Council is installing pathway lighting between Grey Street and Holts Lane as part of the Jonathan Drive Public Lighting Project.
We are seeking your feedback on the proposed lighting design (please see...
Council has prepared Amendment C91 to the Moorabool Planning Scheme, at the request of Melbourne Water as the relevant floodplain management authority. Amendment C91 seeks to apply the Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO) and the Special...
Moorabool Shire Council plays an important role in providing a safe travel environment for residents and visitors. A key part of this role includes the implementation of activities directed at reducing the likelihood and severity of road...
Having considered previous community feedback in response to the potential introduction of a cat curfew, Council has...
Moorabool Shire Council is currently writing a new Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and would appreciate your input and feedback. 'Access and Inclusion' is about making all services, buildings, information and activities available to...
Moorabool Shire is seeking your feedback on the draft Moorabool Shire Landscape Design Manual (LDM). The LDM documents minimum acceptable standards for the design and construction of landscape elements. The manual will be used to guide...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on society and local communities. Sport and Recreation plays a significant role in the Moorabool community, encouraging positive health outcomes and social connectedness.
Council is...